What is a Very Important Person?

For the last 9 years, I have primarily Coached in the very private world of VIP’s.

My  expertise  is in assisting people with  significance  to design their hectic Life in such a way, that despite their  VIP  status, they can still enjoy and experience a balanced  Life. I Coach VIP’s across all contexts including Emotional, Health, Relationships etc … But the primary area I am hired in is Permanent Weight Loss & Weight Management Coaching .

In addition,  VIP  are not immune to Emotional and Behavioural challenges that require attention and need to be addressed ‘ under the radar ‘ so to speak and that is where my  experience  and expertise comes in.

I have been fortunate enough to meet some wonderful individuals over the years in various fields and industries and I feel  privileged  to have had an impact on their lives both personally and professionally.

(  VIP  –please double click the top slider for access to the VIP section ).

What is a VIP?

A VIP is simply a person with  significant influence .

Whether that be because they are a member of regality, or are a well known musical artist, or are a household name in film / T.V or, are a Government official, or a well-known sports star, or very wealthy financially, or have a very high ranking position in a major national or international organisation etc …

Due to their  ability to influence  potentially millions of other people, they hold a status in society that we give high regard and Respect to.  They have the power to potentially cause major and significant changes to society .

There is  no  other intrinsic difference between a member of the public and a VIP except as mentioned their status and thus, their influential position. Outside of the limelight, a lot of VIP’s are very ‘normal’ individuals like me and you and it surprises people to know this.


VIP often enjoy the  Success  and the enriched life it brings, but some can often  suffer  in other areas of their life due to conflict or compromise. Obvious examples would be Film or T.V stars where their marriage / relationship has a big disturbance where one partner may feel overwhelmed by the limelight or even jealous!

Another example is the  health  of an individual. When Success brings a well-known musician, excessive travel and the high life, eating healthy and exercising regularly becomes a  conflict  and a battle ensues. Similarly,  bodyweight  issues are very prevalent with VIP’s again because of Lifestyle demands and commitments, including traveling and the restrictions it brings.

Another example is a  young and highly paid football star at the peak of their career and adored by millions . They have financial security and freedom! but may have not even reached their mid-twenties yet and don’t ‘know’ what to spend their money on. Not their fault, but clearly it leads to frivolous spending and they buy for example a very expensive sports car.

Nothing wrong with that. However, they are notorious for driving too fast and getting a speeding fine or worse, end up crashing the car around a tree. They are trained to have a degree of  aggression  because in a game it is an edge that is advantageous, but if the same individual does not know how to manage themself Emotionally, then other contexts of their life become purtebed such as,  dangerous driving.

Coaches are brought in on to the payroll salary to assist the young yet inexperienced players on how to spend their money and how to  balance their Life  out accordingly now that they are potentially world famous.

High ranking  politicians  and individuals of  regality   can also feel the strain of public pressure and scrutiny. Never being out of the news and being at the constant forefront of the public’s eye  takes it toll on health and relations  to name a few, not having a personal life–a private life–can be too much for some.

There are many more possible examples but I think you may get the point.

What they all have in common is  Success  in one area of their life, which can potentially cause  upsets  in other areas. Whether that particular VIP is minor, moderate or major in the world’s eye, is irrelevant.

All levels of VIP go through the same  challenges .


I have been Coaching VIP on what I call ‘ Successful Living ‘ for several years now. Simply, it is about how to design their  Lifestyle  around balance and harmony. Sounds a bit zappy I know, but back in the real world it is absolutely  fundamental  and vital, otherwise,  disaster  can and often does happen in many VIP’s lives.

Otherwise known as ‘ Lifestyle Coaching ‘,  it is about how to design the  style  in which they choose to live their  life , in a way that creates unison and happiness. I help them to understand it is the  decisions   they make, not the conditions of their Lifestyle, that they have  control  over, and therefore they  are  able to modify or tweak certain areas without interfering with their VIP status. Just requires a little bit of attention, which is where I come in and Coach.

My role is to ensure there is a  balance   between their relationships, both personal and professional, that their health is taken care off, as well as their financial status, their emotional well being, managing the fame and Success they experience, and any and all other areas of their Life they have.

The bottom line is, just like a company needs  managing , or a toddler needs to be managed by an adult, or your bank account needs to be managed (some people haven’t figured that one out yet!) so it is no different with our lives as a whole, and as a  VIP  with intrinsically more need, the same (but more) applies.

VIP Protection

Not physical protection, but image  protection .

I am often approached by representatives of VIP to Coach because I have the experience of working ‘ intimately ‘, with very important people past and present.

It is sometimes not apt for VIP to be seen receiving help / professional coaching, thus a lot of VIP clients get refereed to me  only   because of the security of their privacy, that I can ensure  through my tight network of contacts, developed over the years, keeping it away and out of sight, from the public awareness through media exposure.

VIP Coaching often requires  security checks / clearance and many NDA’s.

My professional and personal ethos are the same  –I am not a loud, over the top, in your face type individual. I am instead more centered, more humble, happier  to serve  than to shout for attention about.

Thus I refrain from publicizing my VIP work because while it would serve to increase my exposure, it would also serve to  weaken  my reputation, as mentioned a large portion of the VIP come to me for the sole reason that I am  not  seeking the attention it ‘could’ bring.

I am hired because I can deliver the change they seek, without compromising  their reputation .


My introduction to the VIP world came about, in part from the seminars I use to carry out around 2011, where I held  very private events  at that time, that by its nature would attract many people who were, shall we say ‘fairly well known’ and wanted to  avoid  the limelight and attention.

From this came further clients of the private world as my  reputation began to spread.

I started to work with individual VIP here and there in 2012 in private consulting and eventually, I stopped holding these particular seminars altogether and changed to only private 121 Coaching for the VIP instead.

Due to referral, in 2014 I took on my first  International VIP client  and have since  enjoyed 6  years of traveling and Coaching around the world, again, meeting an even wider variety of people in even far more reaching areas including economic, political and entertainment.

Due to privacy protection agreements, I am unfortunately  unable  to publicly specify the who or when.

To a Better Quality of Life for VIP.


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