“Permanent” Weight Loss… Without Dieting

How to Lose Weight & Permanently Maintain it – Easily!

( This page is lengthy, be prepared …)

My 30+ years of experience in the weight loss industry has led me to conclude that losing weight has got to be   one of the most sought after results tons of people attempt worldwide , with good reason …

Being in shape is indicative of health, success and sexual appeal  to name a few, but sadly, the majority of the time the majority of the people   don ’t  actually achieve their desired weight loss, or, they struggle to maintain the weight loss and inevitably put the same weight, sometimes   more , back on.

Everyone has either done it or is doing it. Most, very much most, will continue to do it in the future too.

What ’s the   problem ?

The Success rate, or the lack thereof! Statistics over many decades verify that around 90% –95% of people who try to lose weight, actually fail. In other words,  up to 95% of everyone who has or will ever try will fail . Pretty bleak and very informative these statistics are. It shows, clearly, that what 95% out of a possible 100% people do is plainly ‘ wrong ’. Yet there seems to be no let-up in these statistics ever-changing.

What ’s the   holy grail   of the weight loss industry?  

PERMANENT  weight loss. Believe it or not –this is very possible and for many people it is reality I assure you. The 5% –10% that lose weight and keep the weight OFF show qualities that the other 90% –95% don ’t.

Are   you  for example, someone who struggles to even   lose  the weight in the first place? or struggles to   maintain  any weight loss you do make? Is it either or both?

Most people most of the time  struggle and fail  with the   2 nd  half of the equation  –keeping the weight   off , or weight management as it would be called. This is where people need the help. Yes losing the weight is a struggle but people do usually Successfully manage to lose some weight whenever they try even if it is a small amount, the   challenge  is then, in the 2 nd   instance,  keeping ‘that weight ’( weight lost ) OFF !

From statistics we know most people put that weight back on again and again and again. Often times putting   more  weight back on, than the weight they originally lost! and for some individuals they can run this yo-yo pattern of weight lost and weight gained back on –then repeated –endlessly in a loop –for years, even decades .

Does this or any of this represent you?

My Mission and Vision statements ( in short ) are to  provide   solutions   to the   problems   people face in their everyday Life, a place where people are   freed   from limitation and constraints, and   empowered   to make changes to their lives.

With that in mind, I have spent the last 2 decades   Coaching  thousands of individuals in both the public arena and the private realm of   VIP  on how, to  lose weight   healthily but   quickly  –and then   most critically  –how to   keep the weight off – Permanently .

I decided to specialize in   Weight Management   not  just weight loss, because that is what  people are  really after . I Coach people on how to maintain their weight loss so they   never  put the weight back on again –  EVER .

This IS my   Specialty .


Why Do People Fail in Weight Loss?

Primarily there are only 3 main reasons :

1)  Simply put –people have not been   taught   how to do this –to lose weight  and   keep it off . People for the most part simply have  not  been correctly  educated  on the  how . People have only been educated ( badly! ) on how to lose. NOT, how to then maintain.

Correct me if I ’m wrong but all we hear is weight LOSS weight LOSS and more weight LOSS,  rarely  do you hear about   maintaining the result  –the weight loss .

Of course, almost   everyone   has gone on a diet and followed   training   regimes  that have come from a mix n match of reading books &magazines, listening to friends, copying film stars, social media, seeing T.V programs etc …in relation to losing weight that results in variable degrees of success and failure of the weight lost.

Maintaining that weight lost  is a different topic altogether though, and statistics show us that 90 –95% of people who lose any amount of weight –fail to keep that weight lost ‘ off ‘long term / permanently.

Weight loss is a   simple   2 step process  in reality, firstly lose the weight and then secondly keep that weight off ( manage the situation ).

The main Challenge is when you have a   2 step process  like this, but YOU have only been   taught   1 part  of that 2 part process ( ever ) –then you can   never  logically progress and instead you have to resort –to keep   repeating  step 1   only  over and over and over and over.

Sound familiar?

If you have been   yo-yo dieting  for years or decades   without  lasting results, now you know   why !

Some people some of the time really   do  lose the weight and even keep it off long term but for   most people  the end results eludes them simply because   they  have not been fortunate enough to be shown the   correct  dynamics that are   involved with the process of keeping the weight off after it has been lost . It is both a physiological   and  a psychological approach.

Look at it this way, losing weight in the first instance could be viewed as a short term project, say 1 month to 3 months as just an example. If the person in question even manages to lose all or at least most of the weight they set out to lose, they now have an   even bigger hurdle  –they need to maintain this result long term, say years and decades!

Lifestyle  –  c hanges  to reflect this new weight / new food regime / new workout regime etc …They will struggle to maintain it. So while they   could   change their Lifestyle –it is even –  even harder for most people   to do or consider in reality.  Having a busy life including a fixed job, kids at home, having day to day responsibilities, a home to look after, friends and family to consider and so many other commitments it becomes more than a   challenge .

Hence the problem.

2)  The   misdirection  approach –from the   powers that be  that make big ( huge! ) bucks from people ’s pain ( of being overweight ). The weight loss industry exists not just because there is a demand and genuine need for help, but paradoxically ( rather ‘conveniently ’to the weight loss industry! ) the weight loss ‘Success rate ’has purposely been made to fail at a high rate to create a perpetual engine of demand and supply.

A   deliberate  over confusing  of the weight loss procedure to the public over the last 30 years. In other words losing weight and managing that weight loss has been purposely made confusing and thus seemingly ‘difficult ’because the  powers that be   profit from dependency .

IF you believe I am being cynical and there is an exaggeration here, then I honestly respect your thoughts. This is just my belief but I share it with you to begin the process of raising awareness if you want to know the distinction, between   truth  and what is pulled over your eyes and ears …

As mentioned, my   Mission  and   Vision   has been over the years and still is to this day to   oversimplify  the process in order to allow people to   free  themselves from this constraint and   empower  themselves to take effective action. To   stop  spending money on continuously advertised and revolved different   products pills potions  and   promises  that serve only to profit the ‘ MONEY MAKERS ‘.

I write this deliberately to express to you that my ethos is genuinely different, and to mention that I am not the only person out there in the World trying to shake down the self profiting players, I am one of many individuals and Companies that work to the same end –exposing the reality and helping people.

I believe in win –win or lose –lose if it has to be, but not win –lose. That I am presenting something to you that has   true   value   not just ‘perceived ’value because of some sales hype or the latest trend that will get you to spend today but will be outdated next week. I offer you a   true   investment , an Investment in ‘ yourself ‘,   one that –if correctly applied –will give you back what is rightfully yours –  POWER .


3)  The typical weight loss approach is   painful . Do you find eating   less , and resisting food you   crave  easy or hard?! What about doing exercise you   don ’t   want to do?! 

If your sum total experience for anything is negative, it   won ’t / can ’t  last, how could it!

Once the initial excitement and will power period are over, it becomes   mundane  to take the   same restrictive actions  over and over, very soon they lose their appeal and old habits very easily –too easily –come back, creeping in undetected or more likely –  conveniently ignored ! until you have   stopped doing anything  action related pertaining to either losing more weight or maintaining the weight already lost.

This self   sabotage  is not a defect of a person ’s personality, nor is it a weakness. It  IS  nothing more than a person ’s internal compass –  beliefs, values, rules, feelings, habits, anchors, fears and autopilot , that are  ‘set ’ in a certain way.

You   must  find ways to make the experience of  exercising   pleasurable , you   must  also find ways to make the experience of  eating differently,  pleasurable  if you are to stand a fighting chance of cracking the shell holding you back over excess body weight.

Do you get it?

If your present wiring and these conditioned responses are not modified to reflect a new  bodyweight –then any change will be   sabotaged  eventually, or changes will be only   temporary  or for some they may be able to sustain the change  for  a longer period but not actually enjoy it and thus will spend a large portion of every day ‘ resisting ‘ the food they really do want and ‘making ‘themselves / begrudgingly go to the gym or  hell  as they may call it!

To   get  ( attain ) and then   keep  ( maintain  ) a new bodyweight requires  new behaviours and feelings and thoughts  and effects etc …That go alongside the Lifestyle you have (  style  in which you chose to live your   Life  ).

Anything in   conflict  with your current Lifestyle –will –create a disturbance and that will create   alarm bells  in your brain ( unconsciously ) and the whole thing can come tumbling to the floor.


How Then Do You Succeed in Weight Loss?

There are answers.  The people that do successfully lose the weight and keep it off long term are examples of how it is possible to do it. How then, DO they do it?

As you will read, there are several actions you need to take but to summarize it all into a simple understanding :

1 –  Change  the process of losing weight ( in the first instance ) into a   pleasurable  one ( at least neutral ).

2 –  Learn  something you have not yet learned. HOW to   maintain  the result in your Life ( in the second instance ).

3 –  Disassociate  from the weight loss industry that has a stronghold on you. Set yourself   free .

These ‘simple ’distinctions are the formula for Success in weight loss and   most importantly  –weight ‘management ’.

Another aspect to clarify is understanding what weight loss is …

Take a moment to consider –do you want to just   lose ‘weight ’  or, do you want to ‘ burn body fat   off  your body in places where you don ’t want it?

Which is it?

Part of the formula for Success here , is  very dependant  on your answer because a lot of people say they want 1 thing but, end up with the other! for example they will say ‘yea I want to burn the fat off on my hips and thighs ’but they end up  losing weight  in lots of places, both good and  bad places .

The problem is the description ‘losing weight ’which is general and vague, even the words do not specify ‘what ’weight will be lost! again, in people ’s   mind ’s  the answer is akin to  ‘yea I want to burn the fat off on my hips and thighs ’but through traditional weight loss approaches they ‘diet ’and actually in their   body  they lose muscle too, which results in A) loss of healthy –metabolic tissue (  bad  ) B) loss of water (  bad  ) from that muscle leading to C) varying degrees of dehydration (  bad  ) and on some people D) a gaunt-looking face (  bad ) if the regime is too strict / severe.

Have you ever been on a weight lose regime whatever it was, and in the end you only lost a small amount of weight from what the  scales  told you, and while you may have of lost some of the ‘weight ’from the places you wanted to lose  visually , you also lost from places you did  not want to  and nothing quite added up or was how you quite envisioned it to be?

If so then going forwards change things.

Burning fat from your body where you don ’t want it IS really the desired outcome for most people   NOT  losing ‘weight ’as such. If you burn fat from your body it will logically result in a lose of some weight ( unless you negate it with muscle tissue gain in the same time ) hence   you have lost weigh t. The   problem   lies in these  descriptions and the lack of clarification they bring .


I tried to hook you with the title about losing weight because that is what you have been conditioned to think, hear and say. Now that I have your attention ( hopefully ) I can explain and elaborate on this and now   correctly   ask you …

Would Permanent Body Fat Reduction Interest You By Any Chance?

So know that  anytime on this page I mention weight loss, I am in fact talking about burning body fat off your body   from the places you don ’t want it . Got it? For now, just clarify the outcome and become conscious of something you may have been unconscious in doing before, when you say lose weight  –how much weight? where on your body? what type of weight –is it fat you want to remove? etc …

How else do some individuals   Successfully  lose the weight (  fat ! )?

There are many answers of course but a common theme /  thread  that binds every success case together is that they either :

Change their   Lifestyle  –permanently, or, they do the   only  ‘ other ‘thing available …

They change their own   Psychology   that controls everything. Sounds hard I know, but actually it is relatively easy to do –  if you   know-how , so then we ’re back to the ‘lack of education and knowledge ’in this area I mentioned earlier,  IF  people knew how to do it –they would and the weight would stay off, they don ’t, mostly because they don ’t know-how.

A Lifestyle change is more radical and challenging for most people, to change the style in which you choose to live your Life –the decisions you make that create the action that you take every day and on a consistent basis –is no small feat!

Is it   easier to  change  your beliefs, values, thoughts etc …( your psychology ) then it is to accept –that you need to  radically change your  whole Life / Life style?!

I decided to specialize in   Weight Management Coaching not  just weight loss because people need help with the behavioral changes that result from either a change in Psychology or a change in Lifestyle. BOTH will incur a change of Behavior and without proper Coaching on how to deal with this, the whole process of weight reduction and maintenance can ( 95% of the time with 95% of people )  collapse .

Weight management is code for   weight loss  ! but there is a   difference  remember.

What is Weight Management Coaching?

Which would you prefer  –

To lose some weight / made up of   muscle  and a little body fat, only to put it back  on, and then go around and around repeating this cycle in varying degrees   for  about 20 years !


Lose the same body   fat  ONCE –and keep it   OFF  –  Permanently ?

If your answer is the latter, then welcome to the world of Weight Management.  Weight Management  is ‘ managing ‘the situation. Make sense?

It is therefore Coaching people on   how to maintain   a weight loss. As opposed to just  helping someone just lose some weight –only to watch them pile it back on  because they have not been taught the skill set to manage the situation.

I coach individuals on correct nutritional approaches, habits and procedures, best exercise regimes that burn the most ‘fat ’, and the mindset required –all that have the common thread in mind of –  keeping the weight lost, off permanently .

The   real  challenge people have is   not  losing weight. People can do that in  varying degrees of Success, the challenge the same individuals have is in  the second instance –  keeping the weight OFF , thus I wanted to help  people   manage the situation , not repeat the same cycle needlessly.

The truth is even the weight loss in the first instance   can be improved , can be made easier and can be sped up, people ’s approach for the most part to losing weight is far from ideal! but as mentioned that is just something that can be improved,  my real passion is in the big challenge  of maintaining of the weight loss after, the weight is lost .

I believe this is the answer people are desperate for so like all of my Life  Coaching philosophy ’s, –I went about creating a model for people to work with  / from. Hence the name of my Company back in 2007 that I started, in order to facilitate this specific area …‘ Easy Weight Management ‘.

Through this Company I carried out Weight Management Coaching. I  wanted to show people that it was indeed ‘ easy ‘to manage their weight and not an impossible outcome as they had been led to believe. I eventually opened a club in St Albans Hertfordshire  to   empower   women with wisdom and knowledge that  would enable them to lose the weight, and then   keep it off  for as long as they  wish ( see bottom of this page for more details about the club ).


How Does Weight Management Coaching Work?

Through Exercise –Nutrition –Mindset. Nothing else!

Surprisingly –the   answer   is along the lines of what you  probably already know.  However  –it is the   subtle  differences in actions  that make the   largest differences –in your body !

Exercising in order to accomplish Weight Loss is   different   to exercising to maintain the lost  weight!

Thinking  to maintain an overweight body is different to the thinking that would maintain a slim body!

Eating to lose weight is   different   than eating to maintain the weight  lost!

Losing ‘weight ’is altogether different to ‘ Burning body   fat !

I accomplish everything with nothing more than same   3 elements  that anybody who has ever lost any weight has used :



MOST IMPORTANTLY your   Mindset  is the make or break to  making everything happen Successfully. This is the area people focus on the   least  or not  at all, and yet it is   more important  that your nutrition or your exercise.

Eating differently for example is a   mindset , not an action only. A before B  is   logical . B before A is   illogical .

Changing your diet without  ‘first ’  changing your unconscious conditioning that controls it, will not work long term, as an example .

Your   mental  approach to managing any weight lost / burnt is of paramount significance and quite literally is   the  make or break of your Success or not. This is where I start when I am Coaching anyone.

Your current beliefs about yourself, your body, food, the world, Rejection, time, people, change and a whole array of other conditioned responses need to be aligned with the future ‘you ’  if  it is to last.

I Coach individuals on making the necessary adjustments / changes   mentally  so that they   can maintain their new   body . Without this part of the formula –you will in effect  just  be   dieting , and hoping!



Dieting is a poor approach believe it not, only a few people that I have ever Coached has ‘gone on a diet ’. There are many ways to  achieve a calorific alteration –that leads to an increased metabolic rate –that leads  to   fat burning !

If you ask an average / random 100 people of the street ‘ what is a calorie ‘for example, do you know that on average 99 –100 cannot answer the questions correctly! There are definitions and guesses given yes but none are accurate …  YET  studies show that out of an average 100 people again who go on a diet, 90 –95 restrict their calories as their strategy!

How informative that is!  it means there are  a lot of people who are out there   right now  who are doing something they have   no clue about!  and running a pattern that has also   not worked very well previously –but running it again, anyway !

There is no judgement here, I am merely pointing out that as a society we do some pretty daft things in Life. So if   you  want to be different than the rest –you need to   do  something  different  –to the rest, as well as to what   you  have done before in the   past , thus highly likely you need a change in your Psychology as mentioned.

There are   only  3 macro-nutrients to play around with –Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats. Most people ’s approach is to lower everything overall in order to accomplish a calorie deficit. This will create problems that will come back to bite you. This is a  poor approach  medium to long term.

My job is to play around with the 3 macro-nutrients to accomplish a ‘ Healthy ‘approach to stimulating the person ’s metabolic rate ( accompanied by activity ) and ensure a full and effective fat   BURN   effect. Balancing the 3 depends on the variables of the person and their Lifestyle. Everyone is different.

As a base, I would increase Protein intake, split Fats into good and bad, lower the bad intake and increase the good intake, and Carbohydrates would be balanced out with starting point of body weight versus the activity level of the individual versus how much Fat they wish to burn off.

My   Skill-set   is in   knowing  what these numbers need to be.

To reiterate –there are many ways to  achieve a calorific alteration –that leads to an increased metabolic rate –that leads  to   fat burning ! please remember this.



This is the second   hardest  part of the ingredients that people struggle with.

Mindset is the ingredient that people pay the   least attention too or not even at all , the nutritional side is usually the first ( for some the only ) ingredient in the formula they pay attention too.

I am a huge advocate of the principle that ‘ activity being essential ‘.  I could write an entire 10,000 word dossier on the topic but of course it would not be read! suffice to say in short –from my 20+ years experience I am convinced that outside of mindset, in the physical alone ( nutritional and exercise ) exercise / activity or whatever you call it personally,  IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE –QUICKEST –HEALTHIEST –AND MOST SUREFIRE WAY  to achieve an increased metabolic rate and thus –increased metabolism.

I Coach individuals to have them understand that the movement side of the formula is of   gargantuan importance . I then Coach the individual through an appropriately based activity regime that is fun for them –yes you read correct –  FUN ! and I Coach the same individual day in day out if required, for however long it takes, to get them ‘conditioned ’and have the physique / figure they sought.

Exercising for fat burn is different to exercising for weight loss! Exercising for Health is different to exercising for Fitness! Exercising to maintain is different to exercising to attain in the first instance! and so the list goes on …The point is that your activity   MUST  be geared toward raising metabolism and through my Weight Management Coaching I ensure the client accomplishes this.

Aerobic activity  is the base here and supersedes every other type or form of activity.  Period . Then a 2nd layer is placed on top, this would be some combination of Anaerobic activity, Core work, Flexibility work, Resistance training and others. Each training parameter has contributing value to overall metabolic stimulation. How much of each, when in the day, how often, how intense etc …Is again my job to   know  these answers.

In essence :

I help individuals by creating a   workable, practical, yet effective activity-based regime and nutritional   approach   along the lines that works for them ( not what is easy or convenient for me ) that fits into their Lifestyle,  not  something that radically changes, their style of Life.

If this can ’t be done ( Lifestyle changes ) then   I help them to  change their conditioning from within  so that their Lifestyle remains   largely   unchanged   yet they   can   maintain the weight lost  because they now congruently ‘think ’‘feel ’and thus ‘behave ’differently ( in a way that is effort less  not effort ).

In a nutshell, this   IS  Weight Management Coaching.

I help people to understand the how and the why behind the do. This  approach increases the effectiveness and Success rate I have discovered.



For some clients I Coach in weight loss and weight management,  I simply create a template  for them  to work from and they ‘go off ’with that as they may only have a small amount to lose and or they are generally clued in.

Other clients however, prefer   me to fully facilitate  their diet and exercise directly   and  on a regular basis. I will formulate an appropriate nutritional and activity-based regime that   fits into  their Lifestyle without disturbance. I will then interact with the client as frequently as the client requests / needs. This is more extensive of course but different people require different levels of assistance.

In other instances, the client   will hire me to live in with them   literally   for the entire month or longer  

I move into their home ( usually it is a big one so there ’s room for me! ) and I   monitor manage  and   action  the   entire program of their psychology, nutrition and activity all day every day  with the client ensuring their weight loss Success. Then, helping them to manage and maintain the weight lost going forwards.


What is My Experience in the Weight Loss Arena?

Some have asked what I / a Life Coach, is doing in this field, the answer is simply it is my background. I have worked in the Weight Loss industry in some form or other for   over 25 years .

My Career  in the Weight Loss industry Professionally stems back to 1989!! ( actually it goes further back than even that! ). I have been a Gym Instructor, a  Personal Trainer, a Health Consultant, a Weight Management club operator  and in the latter years a   Weight Management Consultant both Nationally and Internationally, largely to the world of VIP .

In 2006, after 11 years of Personal Trainer Coaching, I started a company called Easy Health to Coach people on Health issues (  not  fitness parameters ), due to the success of this niche Coaching I decided to leave the PT arena in 2007 and went on to start another company in 2007 focused on   Weight Management   only.

I then opened a Weight  Management Club in St Albans Hertfordshire in 2008 through this company. This was   not  a gym, nor a weight loss center nor a weigh in only once a week club. It was a member-only / private facility for   women  only , who were looking to  lose weight  in the first instance but more importantly wanted to   keep the weight off in the second instance.

A place where they could come to get that help that was   sorely missing  from what was available on the market. I did not want to be just another weight loss guru or weight loss  center of sorts. The women had a full training facility geared  purely  for weight loss and then weight management with full nutritional plans and approaches.

All backed up and underpinned by the   most important part  of the formula for the success –the   Emotional   support  that we provided through Coaching and working with changing behaviours and habits.  Everything  was weight control-oriented. In the first 2.5 years we had in excess of 500 women pass through our club.

After the Success of the club, I left in late 2010 to pursue the same mission as a private consultant. Firstly to the public arena in 2011 and from there my work moved into the private sector of   VIP  in 2012 where it mostly continues to this day in  this field.


Digital version

This page is a brief ( hu! Brief! ) Description of the 1-2-1 Coaching that I carry out with   VIP  in the context of Weight Loss and Weight Management. I am paid by the Successful outcome only, or by the day or by the hour, and my fee is  high .

I also hold   Master-classes  online and in-person where anyone can come along and spend the day with me   learning  about Weight Loss and Weight Management –those who can not afford my fees. So that this knowledge is accessible and   available  to everyone.

I have also written a book called “ Only for the   Serious  –PERMANENT Weight Loss ”that is also a cost-effective version of my Coaching. Those that cannot afford my fees or even the Master-classes online / offline, can still get access to this information.

I also offer an  O nline Program ,  delivered by   email over 6 weeks  based on my PERMANENT Weight Loss Coaching.

The Master-classes, the Book and the Online Version are all based on the same content as the VIP Coaching.


Online Program

The online program differs from the eBook in that the content is different and longer.

For those who also wish to facilitate this from the privacy and comfort of their own environment.

The   advantages   of being delivered online mean you have a permanent record / strategy / plan anytime you want to pick it up. A written and laid out approach that requires   no  need to try and remember anything.

Also, means you can study and analyse the information at your own pace,  no pressure  to cram anything in, chose the  time of day and the day itself to do this. Online allows for a greater  flexibility  approach in one ’s Lifestyle.

Basically –I took everything I knew on this subject –and wrote everything down. The manuscript was around 200,000 words! I then downsized it to just 100,000 words (  just!  ) And then again chunked it down into sections that had a sequential order of action and effect. I then chunked it down again into 12 separate chapters.

I then put these 12 chapters into an   online program  delivered by   email.

The program version is delivered   bi-weekly , every 3 –4 days. You will receive an email, twice per week,  12 emails   total . The Weight Loss &Weight Management online program  is designed to  last around 6 weeks .

Each email –will be a single   chapter .

So the chapters will be delivered straight to   your email inbox for your convenience .

You will have 3 –4 days in between emails / chapters, to   action  the presented information …  Simple , workable and   effective .

Each chapter will be different and built on the content of the previous chapters so that each week is layered on the week before to create a   stepping stone approach   that is   methodical  and strategic yet   logical  and   constructive .

Week 1 is   dependent  on week 2, week 2 is dependent on week 3 and so on, so there is a continual focus that creates a very   Positive   effect, when you are ‘ focusing ‘on something nonstop for a month and a half of your Life, things tend to   change!

While there is a straight forward book version available based on this Program, we know from statistics and data that when people are presented with a lot of info in 1 go ( such as in a book ) they tend not to read everything, leading to, obviously, an   inefficient approach  creating potentially, little results.

This is why I decided to   do my best  to prevent that from happening, and so I   purposely   offered it as an email Program so that it could be   drip-fed   so to speak to give the greatest possible   strategy  to ensure it   was effective .

Being delivered to you this way MEANS you   cannot  cheat and look at upcoming chapters and get sidetracked. You are forced to wait 3 –4 days as you cannot control the frequency, and again therefore the   Success  of the program is greatly increased and ensured.

You will also have the ability to email us with any questions you have during these 6 weeks and we will answer them to   support you .

In addition, you will receive phone calls from me and my team every week during these 6 weeks to further enhance the support level to you –to   enhance even more  the chance you WILL   Succeed .

Emotional   support is VITAL.



However –we do offer this as a Book version simply because in the past we had and still have,  such a demand  and request for this type of   format.  Some people simply prefer a book. Some individuals like to ‘have ’the Book in their possession and for them, it works better than receiving emails.

The Book is   based on   the Online Program but is different to the Online Program / see above.

With the Book, you still have the ability to  email us  any questions during the reading of the book, and we will reply to support you but the phone calls and   Emotional   support are   reserved  for the Online Program and paperback with   Emotional  support only.

The  Book is available  as a   paperback  and as an   eBook

If you would like to hear a   FREE  audio introduction to the book, please   click here

Or go to   www.dcrlifecoach.podbean.com

The book is 480 pages and divided into 12 chapters. Y ou are   strongly  advised / encouraged to apply the same principle, 1 chapter every 3 –4 days so that the Book will last 6 weeks odd and therefore, be as   effective  as possible for you.


My hourly fee is currently ( as of 2020 )  £650 . This is the only time and place I mention it on this website and I ONLY do so just to give you some understanding of –relatively –how  cheap  these online versions are for you to be able to ‘know ’the exact same info the  VIP  pay very large sums of money for.

The Online Program is priced at just £99.95 and the paperback Book with  Emotional  support from us is priced at just £49.95 and in both options, 10% is gifted to a UK  Registered   Charity .

You can purchase ( without  emotional  support from us ) the  paperback version here for just £14.99

You can  purchase  the  eBook  directly through Amazon.

The  online program  can  only  be purchased through this website and  nowhere else . Though the contact page.

The reason why the Online Program costs more is because of the manual work that me and my team do, to facilitate the emails  out to you  personally every week. We do  not  currently use automation, by  choice  as we prefer instead to keep the  human touch  in the program.

In addition, it costs more because of the  phone chats  with you every week to support you  Emotionally .

This drip-fed control –coupled with ‘human ’real-time Emotional contact and feedback, makes the online program as effective as it could possibly be.

The Book has its own  advantages  as does everything. We offer different versions so that YOU can choose what is best for yourself.



Well done for getting to the end! I hope this rather long explanation about weight loss has helped you to have a  deeper understanding  of things and has made it clearer than before.

Managing any weight ( FAT ) you Successfully lose ( BURN ) is the ultimate desire for Millions of people.  The information contained here alone on this page will take you a very long way to achieving that outcome. 

Go and get started!

If you believe professional Coaching is something you need In this area and would like to discuss your personal situation with me, then please go to the  contact page. Know that all communication with me is in the  Absolute   Strictest of Confidence and Privacy .

To a  Better Quality  of Life …



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